Please help us help you!

We put our clients' and their communication needs first and foremost.

To help us do this, we try to keep our admin processes, scheduling and billing as straightforward as possible. It comes down to working together to do our best to show up when we say we will and communicate when needed. More details regarding our cancellation and payment policies can be found under rates.

Ethical standards

As members of the New Zealand Speech-language Therapists' Association (NZSTA) we abide by their codes of ethics which can be viewed here.

Shannon Hennig is also a member of the American Speech Language and Hearing Association (ASHA) and also must abide by their code of ethics. Where these codes differ, she defers to the code pertinent to the relevant geographic region.

Disability and Health provision rights

When you use a health or disability service you have rights. The rights are called the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights or "the Code". You can read them on the Health and Disability Commissioner page here.

Child Protection Policy

Child dignity, safety and well-being are paramount. When working with schools and other organisations our first point of contact is the site's designated person for child protection whenever possible, however we retain our responsibility to report concerns. We strive to use clinical judgment and are aware that some indicators of possible neglect or abuse (e.g., changes in behaviour for example) are also commonly seen in some medical conditions and various disabilities.

Our staff have been police vetted and all staff have clear records.

Our full policy can be found here and is typically updated in January

Health and Safety Policy

We aim to use common sense and balance a need for safety with adventure, fun, sensory needs and reasonable risks taking during play. You can find our current policy or online here

Privacy policy

Clinical information shared during assessments and treatment sessions is treated as confidential, with the following exceptions:

We also often discuss cases within our small clinical team, but you can also inform us if you would like information to be limited to a specific person or group within our team

Our full policy can be found including complaint procedures can be read here

Data sharing

Often it is beneficial to collaborate and consult with other professionals supporting a client. If you would like us to be able to discuss your specific case with others, please let us know, ideally in writing. We strongly believe in communication and collaboration between other health and school professionals whenever possible within the limits set by you. Full details of our policy can be found here.

We also share relevant clinical anecdotes, stripped of all identifying information, in the following situations:

You are always welcome to let us know if there are certain agencies or individuals on your 'no-sharing' contact list to ensure that we don't use that person for a supervisor related to your case.

Data storage

Client files are stored on password protected devices including laptops and mobile devices. Our clinic also uses password-protected, cloud-based services to store information and media. Some personal information (names, addresses, phone numbers, and email address) are saved within the invoicing software (Xero) and you can request a personalised code if you prefer. You can request a copy of any information at any time. You can also request correction of any information. Full details can be found here.

Media policy

Photos and videos are frequently used as part of therapy. These files are treated as confidential and are not shared unless the client or parents/guardians give explicit permission.

Media on this website is protected and and all rights are reserved. It should not be copied, altered, re-used, or downloaded without express written permission from Inclusive Communication Ltd. Unless of course the photo is of you or your immediate family, in which case, by all means please save a copy for yourself if you don't already have one.

On this website, including the blog, only photos that capture positive moments in a respectful manner are included. Identifiable photos are only posted with the expressed, written permission of clients or their parents. Unidentifiable photos in which a client's face is obscured due to camera focus, angle, and/or image size are only used if permission has previously been given for educational purposes.

If anyone recognises themselves in a photo and wishes it to be removed from this site, they are welcome to contact us to request us to do so. Thank you to the many families who have kindly given permission for Shannon Hennig and/or Inclusive Communication to share photos of themselves or their children.

Changes to these policies

We reserve the right to change our terms and conditions as needed.